Alle onderdelen van uw horloge zijn vervaardigd met hoogwaardige materialen en onderworpen aan strenge tests in onze werkplaats. Echter, superieure kwaliteit heeft ook onderhoud nodig. Behandel uw LIGURE horloge met zorg en aandacht, en u zult worden beloond met nauwkeurige tijdwaarneming.

Wanneer u een nieuw LIGURE horloge koopt, krijgt u automatisch twee jaar garantie.
Deze garantie is alleen geldig als het serienummer op de internationale garantiekaart die bij uw LIGURE horloge is gevoegd, binnen 30 dagen na aankoop op onze website is geregistreerd.
Als uw horloge niet naar behoren functioneert, neem dan contact op met uw verkoper.
Wij bieden 24 maanden garantie op elke onderhoudsbeurt. In het geval van defecten die onder deze garantie vallen, zullen wij, naar eigen goeddunken en kosteloos, alle losgemaakte componenten repareren of vervangen en/of defecte werkingen corrigeren die als zodanig door onze afdeling Klantenservice zijn geïdentificeerd. Alle andere rechten die voortvloeien uit gebrekkig vakmanschap zijn uitdrukkelijk uitgesloten.
Normale slijtage (zoals krassen op de kast en/of het glas; verandering van de kleur en/of het materiaal van kasten, banden, armbanden en kettingen van leer, textiel, rubber of enig ander niet-metalen materiaal of de DLC-coating). Schade aan enig onderdeel van het horloge als gevolg van ongeschikt/onjuist gebruik, verwaarlozing, onachtzaamheid, ongelukken (stoten, deuken, verbrijzeling, glasbreuk, enz.), onjuist gebruik van het horloge of het niet volgen van de instructiehandleiding. Schade van welke aard dan ook die direct of indirect voortvloeit uit het gebruik van het LIGURE-horloge of uit een operationele storing, defect of gebrek aan precisie in het horloge.
Bij LIGURE WATCHES doen we er alles aan om u een prettige winkelervaring te bezorgen. Mocht u desondanks - om welke reden dan ook - niet helemaal tevreden zijn met het door u gekozen en gekochte product, dan kunt u het binnen 14 dagen na ontvangst aan ons retourneren.
Reparatie- en retourbeleid
Bij LIGURE WATCHES doen we er alles aan om u een horloge van de best mogelijke kwaliteit te bieden. Mochten er binnen 24 maanden toch defecten zijn, dan kunt u uw horloge op deze manier retourneren voor reparatie.
Return the product for repair in-and-outside the warranty.
Right of withdrawal
Processing Time and Refund
Always send the package by registered mail (track and trace) with insurance!
1. Return the product for repair in-and-outside the warranty
a. within 14 days of withdrawal period
b. outside the 14-day withdrawal period, but within the warranty period
a. within 14 days of withdrawal period
In the case of repair under warranty, send the warranty certificate together with your broken watch to the LIGURE SERVICE CENTRE in The Netherlands. Repairs under warranty will not be processed without a valid warranty certificate registered via the website! You do not need to send the original brand packaging/box. LWG Europe BV cannot guarantee that you will receive the box back after repair.
Pack the watch well, for example in bubble wrap. After receiving your watch, our certified watchmaker will assess whether the defect falls under the warranty provisions. When that is the case, we will reimburse your shipping costs for the defective product
If the defect is not covered by warranty, you will receive a quote for repair from us. Report of the defect in advance via our service page will speed up the process.
For warranty repairs please enclose the completed return form with your return shipment directly to the LIGURE SERVICE CENTRE:
The Watch Lab
Pieter Lieftinckweg 11,
1505 HX Zaandam
The Netherlands
Horloge Reparatie | Atelier sinds 2011 | The Watch Lab
b. outside the 14-day withdrawal period, but within the guarantee
For warranty repairs outside the 14-day return period, please enclose the completed return form with your return shipment.
The Watch Lab
Pieter Lieftinckweg 11,
1505 HX Zaandam
The Netherlands
Horloge Reparatie | Atelier sinds 2011 | The Watch Lab
2. Right of withdrawal
Under European law, when you make an online purchase, you have a legal reflection period of 14 days. This means that within this period you have the right to cancel the purchase for any reason. If you buy the product online, this reflection period expires 14 days after receipt of your purchase. This means that you must indicate within 14 days that you wish to cancel the purchase. You must then return the product within 14 days from the moment you communicated the cancellation to the us.
You must return all items you received including the packaging. Take good care of the purchased goods. If the product is returned damaged due to negligence or carelessness, or you already customized your strap or bracelet, you may not be eligible for a refund or receive only a partial refund. This is to cover the costs of returning the product to its original condition.
You should receive the refund within 14 days from the time of cancellation, but the seller is allowed to hold off on refunding until you have returned the product or you can provide proof of return.
To inform us about your wish to exercise your right of withdrawal, you can contact us by sending an email to:
Please state the reason for return in the letter.
Received a free product?
If a free extra product was delivered with your order, do not forget to return this product as well. In the event that you do not return this product or return it damaged, we may deduct its sales value from the refund.
3. Processing Time and Refund
When a product has been returned for a refund, we will credit you the full amount as soon as possible and at the latest within 14 days. If we have not received the return shipment within 14 days after your notification, the refund will be made when we have actually received the product back or when you can demonstrate that you have actually sent the product to us.
Who we are
We are Ligure Watch Group Europe BV, a company registered in The Netherlands with company number 86342088. Our registered office is at: Zekeringstraat 32c 1014 BS Amsterdam
Our registered VAT number is NL 8639.36.349
How to contact us
For customer service and watch enquiries you can contact us:
By telephone during working days: +31 20 2619637
By email:
For enquiries relating to an online order, you can contact us:
By email: or
How we may contact you
If we need to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us in your order.